Total resident population in the Republic of North Macedonia by language usually spoken in the household and sex, Census 2021 by Language and Sex
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Language - TOTAL | 1 836 713 |
Macedonian | 1 145 327 |
Albanian | 444 026 |
Bosniak | 15 509 |
Vlachs | 1 795 |
Romani | 28 088 |
Serbian | 4 993 |
Turkish | 61 596 |
English | 694 |
Bulgarian | 762 |
German | 117 |
Greek | 60 |
Danish | 13 |
Armenian | 10 |
Italian | 49 |
Norwegian | 3 |
Polish | 34 |
Romanian | 68 |
Russian | 143 |
Slovak | 19 |
Slovenian | 27 |
Serbo-Croatian | 144 |
Hungarian | 4 |
French | 28 |
Dutch | 27 |
Croatian | 262 |
Croatian-Serbian | 9 |
Czech | 3 |
Swedish | 13 |
Other languages not mentioned | 118 |
Arabic | 28 |
Sign language | 51 |
Montenegrin | 40 |
Spanish | 10 |
Persons for whom data are taken from administrative sources | 132 260 |
Unknown | 383 |