MAKSTAT database
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Bussines Tendencies
Economic Accounts for Agriculture
Education and Science
Foreign Trade
Gender Statistics
Gross Domestic Product
Health accounts
Information Society
Internal Trade
Labour Market
Marriages and divorces
Internal migration
External migration
International migration: Immigrated and Emigrated Citizens of the Republic of Macedonia foreigners and net migration, by country, annually
Immigrants abroad by age groups and sex, by region
Emigrants abroad by age groups and sex, by regions
Immigrated and emigrated citizens of the Republic of Macedonia, foreigners and net migration, by countries
Immigrated and emigrated from and to abroad, Immigrated and emigrated from and to abroad, by urban and rural areas, by regions
Immigrated citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia from abroad, by municipalities
Emigrated citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia to abroad, by municipalities
Immigrated foreigners in the Republic of Macedonia from abroad, by municipalities
Emigrated foreigners in the Republic of North Macedonia abroad, by municipalities
Immigrated citizens by educational attainment, by municipalities
Emigrated citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia by educational attainment, by municipalities
Estimation of Population
Indicators by gender - Population
Preliminary quarterly data
News release tables
Population projectons 2022 - 2070
Social Statistics
Standard of Living
Structural Business Statistics
Sustainable Development
Territorial units
Tourism and catering trade